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Survei Terbaru Charta Politika, Pasangan Edi-Rendi Kokoh di Posisi Pertama Jelang Pilkada Kukar Mahfud MD: Putusan MK Lebih Tinggi dari Peraturan KPU, Otomatis Gugurkan Putusan MA TIM KUASA HUKUM EDI -RENDI Tanggapi masalah Video Narasi Putusan MK

Ditunjuknya Bung Budiman Sudjatmiko oleh Presiden Prabowo Subianto sebagai Kepala Badan Percepatan Pengentasan Kemiskinan adalah hal yang substansial dan harus di apresiasi.

Badan yang sama juga pernah di bentuk oleh Tiongkok untuk pengentasan kemiskinan sehingga angka kemiskinan Tiongkok turun signifikan dari double digit menjadi single digit.

Salah satu solusi nya yakni dengan memperkuat supply chain perdagangan internasional, sehingga produk-produk Tiongkok yang dihasilkan dari kawasan – kawasan yang miskin mampu menembus market global dan secara langsung akan berefek pada peningkatan pendapatan masyarakat di kawasan miskin tersebut.

Dan berikut sedikit kupasan opini saya dalam bahasa inggris terkait hal tersebut;

The increase in international trade flows has become a central issue in the world economy.

At least Paul Krugman tries to explain that, “global economics has never beenas important as it is now. In the early 21st century, nations are more closely linked through trade in goods and services, flows of money, and investment in each other’s economies than ever before”.

David Ricardo says the comparative advantages of a country are more likely to increase its national income and economic growth if it undertakes product specialization, and if trade transactions with other countries are smooth and open In the initial approach to international trade, I assume the philosophical basis
is how to create mutual benefits.

Creating a free-trade mechanism is expected to generate stable trade and by equally beneficial for the developed, developing and least developed countries.

However, in my opinion the approach still focuses on growth instead of equity (Amartya Sen), therefore it does not solve the fundamental problem, which is poverty.

The WTO found that 1 billion to 2 billion people earned below US$1 per day, so Renato Ruggiero (the former consul general of the WTO) stressed that the importance of the WTO was to prioritize the improvement of economic conditions in developing countries, especially in the least developed countries.

Today global political and economic analysts have begun to seriously consider the contribution of world trade, including the ASEAN free trade mechanism, for development and poverty eradication in Indonesia.

One of them is Joseph Stigliz, who is trying to develop a discourse on economic development and create mechanisms of free trade toward fair trade.

Opini ini juga dimuat oleh The Southeast Asian Times dan pertama kali di muat oleh The Jakarta Post.

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